How WobblyWalk was born
The year was 2011 and it was the month of June, one of the hottest months of the year. After over three hours of shopping, exhausted, I settled for a few oversized kurtas and tunics that were anything but flattering. More importantly, they were not at all comfortable to wear.
The sweltering tropical weather in the city coupled with its atrocious humidity made the clothes stick like glue to my already irritated skin. I then realized how clothing for the new mothers-to-be was neglected to the point of non-existence which pained me from the inside, and this led to the birth of the idea of WobblyWalk.
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful moments of a woman’s life. You are nurturing a life inside you. It’s so Amazing! Your body is adapting to change. But just because a woman’s body is changing does not mean that she should hide it under the covers of loose clothing and shapeless attires– instead, she should walk with confidence, being proud of the life that she is creating within her.
And this is where we come in, to provide her with a boost of confidence that she needs with our uber-chic and comfortable premium maternity wear, that celebrates and flaunts her feminine body along with her baby bump. This perfectly glosses our motto of crafting stylish and comfortable maternity and nursing wear
The beginning
- After five years of rigorous research, planning, and designing, we finally launched Wobbly Walk in 2016.
- Initially, we sold our products through online platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, Firstcry, and Myntra.
- But after receiving thousands of positive feedbacks from our customers, we finally launched our own website in February 2020.
- The response we received after that was overwhelming - this was reflected well through our sales that drastically increased by a whopping 2500% in a matter of a few months!
Companionship during your journey
- Your body is changing, trying to make room for another one. WOW! That’s not an easy feat at all! And we have got your back during this entire journey.
- We understand how difficult this process can be. Therefore, what you wear should not add to your already burdensome pile of difficulties.